Helping you get back in your home or business is our top priority.
Our adjusters are being deployed to your location as quickly and safely as possible. Your adjuster will be contacting you in the next 24 to 48 hours to discuss your claim.
What you can do now
There is a lot of misinformation given after a catastrophic event from many different sources. Please follow the steps below while working with your assigned adjuster whose main purpose is to assist you in proving your loss.
1. Please take photos of the inside and outside of your home or business before you start moving or removing anything.
2. Take photos of how deep the water was and any damage to the building you can see.
3. Before you throw anything out, take a couple of photos of it. One showing where it was in your building and one showing the damage.
4. Get the model and serial number off all appliances before you throw them out. Items left at the curb will often be removed by local services.
5. If you have carpet, please keep a 12” by 12” sample to show the adjuster what you had.
6. Start the dry out process. Remove wet items before attempting to dry out the structure. If the drywall is wet, it most likely will need to be removed, not dried out, same with the carpet.
7. If you are not sure what to do, please contact your adjuster to discuss. The contractor you are using may not understand the coverage provided by your policy and recommend work that is not covered.
Your adjuster will contact you shortly and discuss when they can make their inspection of your property.
Water Mitigation Companies
Your flood policy is a Federal Program and may not provide coverage for everything that is charged by the mitigation companies.
Please click on the link to the NFIP Claims Handbook and review the information provided.
If you have contents coverage and want to start making our your list of damaged contents, please click on the link to the Personal Property Inventory Form. (If you use Excel, the adjuster will be able to email you a spreadsheet you can use as well.)